Sunday 9 November 2014

All Waiting For You

I was walking past one of the halls of residence in a top Nigerian university and I heard a male student saying to his friends " When I go make am ehn, I go first go my village go build house there, buy motor for my papa make the man dey proud of me." Its not the first time I heard something like that and in fact I must have spoken in a similar way in times past. There's absolutely nothing wrong about having such aspirations to make your family proud of the man or woman you'll become. Its indeed a good way to start out.  By thinking you can get there alone makes you a good candidate for the journey of excellence ahead. But take note, fantasy alone won't take you there. And that's where the challenge is: What do you do to take yourself there?

What you must put in your mind is that people who live 'average' lives today had the same dreams when they were growing up, but somehow, they just found themselves where they are today. And the truth is this, you can't keep doing the same thing all over and expect a different result. You must break out of conventionality and do something differently.

And now, I think I should remind you that as a young person, and perhaps a student, people who have invested in you are waiting for you to bring returns. In fact, you'll desperately not know how much they need you to do until you finally make it.
In a parable of the servants Jesus told, the master entrusted his wealth to his servants without stating expressly that they should go into business and make more money and bring him returns. But that was what he expected from them by default!

So you should know that in every way someone invests in you, whether by aiding you financially, giving you their time, advice, tolerance and so on, they expect returns, or better still, they deserve returns. The world is waiting for you to make it. Your family anticipates that moment you'll be presented with an award of excellence whether in your academics or otherwise and then dedicate it to them. Many nations await your resounding financial exploits that you may give to them in their hard times. And I believe you wont let them all down.

So you see, you just can't sit down there doing the same thing others did all over again. You need to ignite your dream. And you know what? A plan becomes a goal when you take practical steps towards its accomplishment.

So whatever you do, dream big but the reality of the dream is in the steps you take after the dreaming.

                                                                    ~Mayowa Williams

Sunday 2 November 2014

Dream Beautifully

 Your dream is a vivid representation of your greatest desires. It is what we love and want to be and how we want to live at a later or sooner time. A dream is what we hope to see come to fruition in our lives.
This kind of dream is not what we see in our sleep, it is that which takes sleep from our eyes.

Be Careful When You Dream

I used to have a friend while I was in my early teens. I had a very humble teenage. One Sunday afternoon as we gallivant around fantasize, about 4 or 5 of us, we talked about what delicacies we wished to eat at that instant. As some of wished to eat fried rice and chicken with five alive as a drink to usher the food down(as was the best meal we could think of in the part of the, just then my friend said "I wish to eat 'concoction' rice and take plentiful water" (I just hope you understand what concoction rice mean... you can ask a Nigerian if you don't). At once, the rest of us just burst into laughter, in that the meal he desired was what wasn't so hard to come by then.
In essence, like someone said, 'if you must dream then, dream big.'

At the peak of your dreams, do you see yourself living in a rented 5-bedroom apartment and probably having a car to yourself? Or you see yourself having a real estate and probably being the CEO of an automobile firm or similar things?
The truth is that some persons don't  see the need for these things and choose to live as humbly as possible. Don't get it wrong, I don't mean living a lousy living when I say dream big. For persons who don't see the need for big dreams, its just their choice! But I believe there are only a few.
The choice of
your dreams, whether big or small determines, potentially, how far you would be able to go.
 So, dream. And when you do that make sure your see big things.

What Do Not Matter When You Dream

1. Your Background:
   The greatest of people we see today were originally not from influential families. They made their families influential. Just have the right prospects and follow through consistently, and there you are!

2.  Your Locality:
    Your immediaenvironment have little to do on where you'd be in 10years time. Just ensure you keep devising ways to advance. A good example of this is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Nobody at that time believed any good thing could come out of Nazareth.

3.   Financial Status:

     Money is a slave to knowledge. If you don't have money, then your dream should be bigger. Simply go for its master knowledge its master and you have both.

Finally, one proven thing is that, it on your way to reaching the land of your dreams that you get the elements and opportunities that'll get you equipped for the goal. Statistics have shown that the most successful people in the world learnt what propelled them into succeeding when they set out to take practical steps. So the next big secret is DOING SOMETHING.
But first, make sure you dream and see beautifully.

                                                                                                    ~  Mayowa Williams

Welcome To Mayowa Williams' Blog


It's from my heart that I write to specially welcome you to Mayowa Williams' Blog. I strongly believe that it's not an error or by mistake that you're reading this now.  And to that end I say a big congratulations for here's a place where matters that regard ushering yourself into greatness by being exposed to elements of finding real success and how to become the successful person you aspire to be.

Do you want to make a significant difference in your community?  Do you want to stand out for greatness?

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